Friday, October 22, 2010

Fish farm fun and festivities

So the Cold Springs Trout Farm does a corn maze each year and this year they did a "kiddie" corn maze that was just smaller and really quite impossible to get lost in (which I think is a great idea), but really it was a little scary for a kids corn maze. The scary decor did make it more interesting for the adults though. We went for family night a few weeks ago (Sean usually works until 10 so we can't really have family night on Monday nights but this was a week after his tonsillectomy so he was still off work recovering) with my sister Stacey's family and my parents and most of the siblings that still live at home, it was lots of fun (though I would have preferred the maze itself being a little wider so we wouldn't have had to walk single file through most of it) and the kids (that's all you had to pay for. . . ) got to pick out a cute little pumpkin or gourd out of the patch at the end of the maze. Then to top it off, they gave each kid a cup of fish food to feed to the trout. They all had a ball!Tanner (Stacey's 3rd child) touching the rubber snake at the first of the maze.

Emma (Stacey's 4th child) petting the scary spider at the maze entrance.

Everybody walking single file through the maze.

Brad (Stacey's 2nd child) being "scared".

Best of friends, who would guess that Kaylee (my youngest sister, who's on the bottom) is Brooklyn's (Stacey's 1st child) aunt?

Emma being snugly with Grandma and Grandpa.

Mike played a dirty trick on us all. There was actually a mannequin lying the other way in this coffin but her got in it from the other side and closed the whole thing and lifted the lid and probably said Aahhhh or something as we walked by. Stacey and I probably jumped above the corn! We had to make him get back in and pose for a picture afterward.

Emma and her own little pumpkin.

Cousins, Emma loves Cadence so much and always wants her to come over and play, Cadence doesn't always want to play the same thing as Emma (like dress up for example) but she loves her cousin and they have learned to get along quite well.

Cadence had a blast throwing food to the fishies and watching them swim and jump to get it. She also loves being in the limelight and after a while she wasn't even watching the fish jump as she threw the food she was just looking up and smiling because she knew we were all watching her and thinking how cute she was. I actually have a cute little video of her doing this but I don't know how to post it. . .


  1. Fun post! Wish we could have joined your party! The girls would love running through a corn maze! Cadence is so cute and she's getting so much hair! Look how thick it's gotten. Natalie is still as bald as she could possibly be! But still very cute and sweet!
    I can tell you how to post video. You can upload it to youtube. Create an account, (all you need is your email address) and upload it the same way you'd upload a picture to blogger. Then post the link to your blog. My friend is going to show me how to post the small version of the video to the blog, instead of just the link. Be she has not yet.

    Fun pictures! Thanks for posting!
