We have been receiving requests, OK 1 request, for more updates on our house projects, and since looking at then and now pictures makes me feel like we've gotten a lot done (sometimes I feel like we're moving as fast as a snail) I am more than happy to oblige.
This first picture is of the North wall in our kitchen on the day we took possession of the whole house (when the upstairs tenants moved out).
This first picture is of the North wall in our kitchen on the day we took possession of the whole house (when the upstairs tenants moved out).
It took us a while to get to it but just before Cadence's Birthday party we ripped the paneling off the walls and patched, primed, and painted. (This is my sister Heather helping.)
The at-least-somewhat-finished product. (I think the green paint is a big improvement on the paneling, really anything would be.)
Now to the glue lam beam. (Which is this beautiful piece of wood that holds our roof up now that we tore the wall down.) This is from the day we put it up. (Please notice how dinky looking our beloved love seat now looked, see later replacement couch.)
We finally bought the sheet-rock to cover the beam with and turned our house into a mess all over again [this seems to be happening a lot :( ] to put is up.
I was trying to capture the mess that we were living in but these pictures really don't show how bad it was.
Cadence's only safe play area . . . needless to say, she wasn't very happy.
Current state of the beam. Moldings are up and we're finishing the prep-work so we can prime and paint. We can't wait for this project to be done! (PS. yes there is a big pile of carpet pad in my front room, we were lucky to get some VERY nice carpet (and pad) for free. With everything else going on we just haven't installed it (in the front room) yet. So we're just living with it where it is for now.)
The replacement couch picture I promised, we bought this probably about 1 1/2 months ago at the DI, we have loved it, and we said goodbye to our faithful love seat and gave it to my parents.
Last, but not least, we haven't been working much on the hallway lately, but here are some progress pictures of the once frightening, now not so scary hallway.
Once again, a day we took possession of the house picture. (Nasty carpet and ugly paneling included.)
Tore out the nasty carpet...
We put beautiful laminate wood flooring in both bedrooms. (Don't worry, we'll finish coming down the stairs with it after we tile to the bottom of the stairs) And wallah the paneling is gone! Hooray, the walls are primed but we haven't decided if we should carry the green from the front room and kitchen into the hall or use the taupe (tan) color that we used in Cadence's room.
And that's basically where we are today, with a lot done and a lot to go.